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Work Ethic / Testimonials

I find great opportunity in being part of a creative company. I’ve always considered myself a jack of all trades which I have found to be beneficial to the company and colleagues I’ve ever been associated with. I enjoy challenging myself with new ventures and have enough confidence in myself to move away from comfort zones. On many occasions I have surprised myself on how far I go into trying new activities and experiences. I take great pride in my work ethic, patience, orientation to details, and understanding of human nature. Above all I enjoy being able to aid my colleagues.

Ideas can often come to sound scary. If I have an idea and someone is scared by it than I know I am on the right track. There is always so much of the unknown around us that if risks aren’t taken we’ll never know of them. I believe in spraying the walls with ideas and just see what will stick with people. You can not approach creativity with restraints.

Best lesson I’ve learned during my time in music is “Just Do”. I know it’s best to just take the initiative. You don’t always need to wait for permission in order to create. You don’t always need to be told what works and what doesn’t. Just do it. Good hearted efforts can often open new doors. You need to have trial by fire and take all the knowledge you gain from peers and experience to continue to learn and expand what you can contribute for your company.

I believe it’s important to treat the people you come across as you would friends and family. Whether someone is a long time colleague or a new contact, we’re all working together to succeed.

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